Jonesborough Boycott

I believe that everyone here remembers the contretemps in Jonesborough, TN when the local SCV attempted to have Confederate soldiers included in the “commemorative bricks” being purchased and installed in a local cemetery. As it was, only UNION soldiers were being so commemorated. After some negotiation, the town government agreed to include Confederates and folks sent in their money to purchase the bricks. This money was returned with the notification that the project was behind schedule and they already had a great many bricks that had not been installed. At the time, I warned several persons involved to beware of chicanery, that I did not believe that the town would hold to its promise but was looking for a way AROUND the matter.

Not long thereafter, the matter was sent to some “committee” by the Board and it was determined that the soldiers being remembered would simply be identified with the name of the war in which they served – the Civil War – rather than by the side on which they fought. Well, of course, there was a stink raised not only by the SCV, but by the SUV as well and it was determined by the SCV and other interested Southrons to initiate a boycott of Jonesborough until such time as the town government lived up to the agreement it made with the SCV.

The boycott goes on although I only heard about the matter on “Facebook”. I joined that for a totally different purpose, but from time to time I get invitations to join this group or make a “friend” of that person. I really don’t go on the site at all, but today I was asked to join the “Boycott Jonesborough” site – which I did.

This is just to let folks on the forum know that the Jonesborough matter is still a thorn in our side though I have not heard from anyone regarding it for a long time so I don’t know where things stand.


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