The Jubal Early Camp of the SCV in Tampa, Florida (the “big flag” folks) is going to sponsor or participate in (I’m not sure which) a “Dixiefest”. Naturally, as it is being put on by “our folks”, there is no question that all manner of heritage items will not only be permitted, but encouraged.
When I read this, I began to wonder: should we be trying to force “establishment” events to “accept” our generally “unwanted” presence? Or, rather, should we forget forcing ourselves upon the “politically correct” and spend our time, money and efforts toward presenting alternative events such as this “Dixiefest”? First, we would be seen in a much better light. Rather than the “polecat at the picnic”, we would in fact be the very reason for the event! Secondly, I would be shocked to discover that Southrons couldn’t put on a much better shindig than these panty-waist liberal purveyors of “non-offense” (to anyone but us, of course)! Our music would be good ol’ down home music, our food good Southron food and all the rest. Folks could bring their children and not worry about the latest “gay” display.
Perhaps the time is passed for trying to be “accepted” at least in this particular venue. Certainly, we should fight to the death to prevent our symbols from being removed from the public square, but as far as “festivals” and “events” are concerned, I think we’d be better off putting on our own even if we have to do it in somebody’s big back yard. The present culture is just pure poison and thinning it out a little with what’s good doesn’t change that.
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